Saturday, May 8, 2010

Emma's Ears are pierced!!!

A few days ago, my mom and I took the girls to the mall, and got Emma's ears pierced! We were so nervous because it took SOO long to calm Bailee down when she got hers done at 3 months. It was very traumatic on my mom... (I was on a cruise when it happened). So, we decided to wait a few months with Emma. She's now almost 8 months old, so we thought we better get it done... feeling it would again be very traumatic.... but our little Emma did AMAZING! She cried for about 5 seconds, then was smiling and just as happy as a lark! I forgot my camera :( so here are some after shots of her showing her pretty ears!
She's just so darn happy! Pretty sure the happiest baby around...

Just playin around!

Here are a few random pics to see what we've been up to the past few months. Whenever the weather is nice, we spend most our days outside. Bailee has a few good friends in our ward that like to play with us outside! We've also attended a few games when the weather is nice. We love our Cougars! Here are a few pics of us at a baseball game, and playing in our yard.
Emma ready for the BYU UTAH baseball game! Her shirt says: "Friends don't let friends go to the U of U"
Bailee had a BLAST!

Emma with her daddy

Enjoying some sun!

Bailee's Hair Cut!

So, I haven't updated our blog for a very long time... it has been busy! I wanted to add the pictures of Bailee getting her hair cut even though it was a few months back! I had never cut her hair and my mom and I decided to go to a place called Cookie Cutters to get it cut for the first time! She had a blast! She was able to watch her favorite, Dora, while getting it cut in a fun little car! She was not too excited about some stranger touching her hair, but she eventually warmed up and did just fine! After it was over, she got a sucker with a balloon that had a cookie cutter with it! Very cute. We didn't do anything drastic, but she got a much needed trim. Here are the before and after pics!
During (not happy)
Starting to be ok with it now....
After.... sugar makes everything better!